The United States Supreme Court is a F***ing Joke

Mahanth is Editor

In the last few weeks a leaked draft opinion attacking abortion rights by legendary POS Sam Alito has put a lot of attention on SCOTUS. No human being deserves respect just because of their title, including me and mine at work is Superintendent, but I hate when people call me Superintendent Joishy instead of my first name. Especially undeserving of respect are those like Alito because they are so corrupt. In a system where justice is supposed to be blind, we have the exact opposite: a predictably unfair and capricious system that allows crime and treason against America to run rampant, while a small group of evil older white male evangelical Jesus freak crusaders and their one female and one minority ally all sitting on the bench are allowed to reach deep into the bodies of women to brutally rape their rights to privacy and choice. Actually, Clarence Thomas is basically an older white male too for all intents and purposes- a self-loathing “black white supremacist” and such a dark figure of American history’s Number One Uncle Tom of all Toms- and all times.

The Supreme Court is a freaking joke, and not just because a secret document that should never, ever have leaked made its way to the public recently. Roe v Wade in 1972 was settled by a vote of 7-2 the right to abortion as a *privacy* right, which is protected by the Constitution; that was also an issue settled by courts over and over in the 50 years since then, but the current court jesters pulled the decision to overturn it out of their a$$es while they twisted themselves into legal and moral pretzels in justification if anything from the garbage opinion holds. Which means that no Supreme Court ruling is worth more than the toilet paper it’s printed on. Nothing means anything in American law, and SCOTUS is just as compromised as the other two branches of government rather than being a defender of democracy and the Constitution.

American democracy is pretty much irreversibly doomed. But who were we kidding, this has been going on for a long time now.

We should really have given up on the Supreme Court once and for all during the landmark 5-4 ruling in the 2000 Bush v Gore case, where all 9 justices happened to vote exactly by party line and handed the White House to the epically corrupt war criminal George W Bush, who not only lost that election but failed to keep America safe on 9/11, and got to nominate epic demons like Sam Alito. When all 9 morally bankrupt justices voted exactly the way their parties expected them to, right on cue, then justice is far from blind. They didn’t even pretend that it was about jurisprudence on that fine day. They just voted for the candidate they wanted, every last one of them. It’s only too predictable that on the court, the naked ambition of man trumps all.

I 100% believe the women who have come forward at great cost to their lives to accuse several decorated justices, of all things, of nefarious activities. So you have a drunken rapist like Kavanaugh on the court sitting next to a sexual molester like Clarence Thomas, whose wife Ginni literally served as a key leader in the violent January 6th insurrection aiming to overthrow the United States government- and all these fart-faces continue to roam Washington with impunity. The biggest crime of all is that these crooks and monsters aren’t rotting in jail next to the Trump family mafia as we speak. That same mafia that somehow in one term got 3 justices to the bench in one term, the same amount as Obama in his 8 years.

America has some real bad karma, and the judiciary is regrettably a huge part of that.

Democrats win the popular vote in every presidential race by huge margins, and yet through GOP corruption they hold a 6-3 majority on SCOTUS and these appointments, bizarrely to me, are for life rather than letting newer younger blood in more often, which would be good for the court or any organization. What a fricking joke. No wonder these pieces of human excrement incapable of shame think they have the right to play tug of war with the umbilical cord, only in the name of Christ, in a brazen attempt to run roughshod over the supposedly sacred separation of church and state.

I have ZERO doubt those snitches like Alito, Clarence and Ginni Thomas, and Kavanaugh will burn in the fiery depths of Hell soon enough. For I have confidence that though there may be no justice in America, that cosmic justice will always win in the end. And this is what keeps me going, ironically: my own religious beliefs deeply held but rarely shared unlike these folks.

One comment

  1. […] First of all, I am interested in and desire to support any content aiming to go global, originating from India. It is the beautiful ancient land of my parents, who are there right now visiting. As you know I am an Indian-American, and have pumped the YouTube channel Think School , Indian television, Indian media like WION, Indian startup companies, and many other folks from India who are doing excellent stuff. I recently came across a show from India in one of my YouTube rabbit hole journeys, called BeerBiceps. When the host Ranveer Allahbadia interviewed a gentleman named Abhijit Chavda who claimed expertise in geopolitics and history titled “DEAR AMERICA” directed right squarely at us Americans, to discuss “America’s Dark Hidden Truth,” I of course could not resist watching from end to end along with the two videos preceding (at 1.25x speed). Geopolitics and history are my areas of deep passion too. And I knew immediately that I would need to write a rebuttal piece. Not because everything said in this interview is wrong; in fact, some of it is accurate. However, when blatantly wrong misinformation or the clever, mistaken, or absurd twisting of facts about the United States and its history took place throughout the dialogue, I saw it my duty as an Indian-American geopolitical strategist running a site for 10+ years on US-India relations and other topics, to put my responses down in writing. It is totally fair to criticize a country and its history, but not to use cheap tricks, unproven conspiracy theories or fake news. I in fact criticize the United States and India both on the regular, mercilessly so where warranted. Here is just one example: about the US Supreme Court being a f***ing joke. […]


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